Meet the Head of Senior School - Mr Gary Smith

The first week in my new post as Head of Senior School has been an extremely positive experience.
Having been at the College for the past 16 months, working in the Executive Team as the Director of Business Services, I have had a great vantage point in seeing the College from all angles. Working with the administrative and business teams has been a real pleasure, and a considerable learning experience away from my previous roles in education over the past 29 years.
Head of Senior School is a return to my first passion of teaching and working with young people - a role that has enabled me to work and live in the UK, USA and now, Australia. I have been very fortunate to have worked in schools in the UK and Australia, experiencing a varied number of state and private schools in a variety of different roles, including Head of Department, Principal, Business Manager and Consultant; teaching thousands of students over that time.
Whilst I have been a teacher my entire career, I am also a parent which gives me the opportunity to experience the different perspective of the educational journey with my own three children. I have a son in primary school, another in secondary and a daughter at university. Watching their progress gives me not only great pride in all they achieve, but also a rounded and holistic view of the education journey, for my children and all students in my care.
In my time as an educator, I have come across many great students, none however like those at A.B. Paterson College. The pride our students take in wearing their uniform, the way they act and interact so positively with each other is truly fantastic. They are an amazing and talented group of people, as are our staff, who truly embody our focus of excellence, care, commitment and community.
I feel very lucky to work here at A.B. Paterson College each and every day. I am particularly looking forward to moving back into the education space once again, working with really great staff, students and parents, by supporting all in developing and reaching their potential as lifelong learners.
Our students have set high standards for themselves. I am excited to work with all of our stakeholders to ensure we keep those high standards, so that the hard work is rewarded for each and every student at Valedictory, and continues as College alumni.
Welcome back to Term 4. I look forward to working with you and your children this year, and in the years to come. There is much for us to do, lots of hard work, but lots of fun ahead too.
So together, let’s make this a positive and successful educational experience - one we can celebrate well, when each young person finishes each year of their schooling journey, then all of their Senior School achievements at the end of Year 12.
Gary Smith
Head of Senior School