Online Learning - Well Done A.B. Families and Staff!

This week has certainly demonstrated the resilience and tenacity of our students, parents and staff at the College. From our staff preparing in such a short time frame to switch to the Online Learning Plan, to our students adapting to their temporary ‘new normal’ to the overwhelming support from our families, it has been humbling to witness and could not happen without us all working together to achieve it. Our community has pulled together and as always the A.B. spirit shines through with so many of our community sharing their online learning experiences - with their fur friends!
All significant changes pose their own challenges and this period of lockdown is no different. Although we are unsure of exactly how long it will last, there are many mechanisms that we can put in place to ensure we are maintaining our connection with our teachers in order to maximise our learning, and our friends and families for our wellbeing. Please see below for some suggestions to help support you throughout the online learning period:
Throughout the College, wellbeing sessions have been organised by our Director of Positive Education and Leadership, Ms Kirton and Deputy Head of Junior School – Pastoral, Ms Sara Bakanay. If you have not yet had a chance to engage in these, I strongly urge you to do so – there are some fantastic challenges in there!
Create a Specific Learning Space
To ensure that efficacy is maximised whilst learning from home is taking place, create a designated work space. Ideally this will be outside of your bedroom with a desk set up with your daily timetable and all the resources you require to carry out your learning for the day.
Take Short Breaks
Take short breaks between your lessons and make sure that you are moving during these breaks. Walk around your home, do some star jumps or spend a few minutes with your fur friend.
Make Time to Engage with your Friends
In the Online Learning Plan there are designated morning tea and lunch times. Why not set up a video meeting with your friends to catch up over lunch as you would normally whilst at the College. It is very important to be mindful of respectful online behaviour at all times and that if you are planning on setting up a Facetime or Zoom with your friends that your interactions with each other are positive and supportive.
Although we are currently limited on how far we can travel from our homes, this shouldn’t limit your opportunity to exercise. Studies have shown that exercise stimulates chemicals in your brain that are responsible for memory and learning, and it can help to improve your mood as well!
These are just a small number of tips to help you throughout this online learning period. If you would like to discuss any of the above, or any other strategies to support online learning during this period, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the College. We wish you all the best for the remaining time during online learning, look forward to welcoming everyone back to the College, and thank everyone within our College community for the hard work, support and spirit shown over the past week.
Charlotte Brook
Head of Senior School