From the Head of Senior School

Welcome to Week 2 of the new school year. Students have made a tremendous start to College life, quickly settling back into their routines.
We have a number of events coming up in Senior School. I am very much looking forward to seeing our new parents and returning parents next Tuesday at the Parent Teacher Social Evening. We have a meet and greet with our Heads of House and Senior Leadership Team, followed by two external speakers. One on our Stymie program for Years 7 - 10 parents and another on road safety for our Years 11 and 12 parents and students. I am looking forward to seeing many of you on the night.
It has been wonderful seeing the College come alive with our students and below is a brief snapshot of some of the activities and events from our subject departments this week.
The English Faculty has been encouraging reading in our Years 7 – 9 students. All classes have visited The Homestead Library and all have borrowed books with help from the always enthusiastic Mrs Parkinson – many within the genre of the term's study. The students have been enjoying the silent reading time and we are going to maintain reading in class throughout the year.
“A good relationship starts with good communication.” (anon)
Students in their respective Language classes have been busy getting to know each other through new-found bravery in communicating in a foreign language. From our Preps to our seasoned Seniors, students were interactive in their quest to get to know one another in a different language. The opportunity to speak in a language other than one’s own is truly a unique, and sometimes challenging concept. The Languages Faculty strives to provide students with opportunities to improve their confidence, to step out of their comfort zone, embrace a range of situations requiring them to utilise higher-order thinking skills and to build resilience in knowing that it is okay to make a mistake. We encourage all families to embrace their child’s newly acquired vocabulary and hope you have fun practising new language skills at home!
The HaSS Faculty has reported that interest in the Bond University Year 12 Extension Business Program has been well received. The program offers six scholarships of 50% fees in a Business Degree. We are also seeking to collaborate with Bond’s Business and Economics teachers by inviting them to the College to speak on key topics throughout the year. Mrs Ellis is also in similar talks with UQ lecturers for her Senior Economics classes. Watch this space!
The Year 11 Design students have watched and analysed the design techniques used by Tinker Hatfield, a renowned Nike shoe designer responsible for creating many well-known Nike sports shoes, including the Air Jordan range. The documentary, Abstract: The Art Of Design, gave students an insight into the working process that a top designer uses to gather information and translate it into a product. Students saw how Hatfield worked with Michael Jordan to identify his needs and wants and then interpret this into an innovative shoe that not only enhances the athletes playing ability, but also has enormous street appeal. Students saw how Hatfield identified a gap in the market which enabled him to not only create the shoe, but also market a range of products that appealed to a wider demographic.
We will take a look at the activities in all our subject areas over the coming term.
Have a great week.
Gary Smith
Head of Senior School