Conquering Fear
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
— E. Roosevelt

This quote from Eleanor Roosevelt is something I tell my students often. As children, and as adults, we often stop trying things for fear of humiliation; or intimidation that someone may turn it around and make you feel worse about yourself. Fear can be debilitating but instead I ask all our students to use this quote to encourage them to have a positive mindset. It is about self-esteem and rising above those who may be jealous of you, or threatened by your talents and having the internal strength to believe in yourself; give it a go and remember – another person can try and make you feel bad… but it’s up to you whether you take that on board!
I wanted to discuss this as I was reminded by a student from Moldova at the recent Global Round of World Scholar's cup, just how debilitating this fear can be. This student was about to do a debate and was standing outside and said, “I can’t do it – I have had people laugh at me before; the adjudicator will think I am stupid”. Well, I couldn’t just stand there and not say anything, so I told this student about my favourite quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. I explained that if you live in fear and don’t try then those who laughed and made you feel bad, win. Why let them win? Why live in fear of failure when you should live in hope for success. Only you can consent to them making you feel inferior. It doesn’t matter if you achieve success but as long as you try then you win because you have conquered that fear. I encourage all our students to not be complacent; to not let fear of others’ opinions or their negative thoughts rule your success. Instead smile and know that inside, you have got this… win/fail/lose/succeed – you have got this because at least you had the courage to try! I believe in you!
Belinda Pilgrim | Head of Academic Academy