Amazing Adaptations

Living things undergo a range of changes in their lives, which is what the Year 6 cohort have been learning about through hands on experiments using plants this term in science.
Students were given the learning intention and aim of their experiment to discover how plants adapt to various living conditions. They have created simulations of plants that are undergoing various climate change issues in our current atmosphere. These range from poor soil, drought, salinity, climate change and a controlled environment.
Some student comments:
“Throughout the experiment the drought plant and the salinity plant looked the same, however, throughout the final week, they started to wilt and whither.” – Melody
“It was interesting how the controlled plant did not live because we had to control it and that is how plants would normally be grown.” – Alexa
Green City Designs
This is a great way for the students to engage in real world issues on plants and adaptations that living things will need to do in order to survive future climate issues.
This unit also links with our Green City Unit in Technology where students are designing future products to reduce waste and food, cut transport emissions and utilise renewable energy sources.
End of Junior School
The students are starting to feel nostalgic as they are ticking off the ‘last’ events for Junior School over the coming weeks. Their last pieces of assessment, the last leadership duties, last APS Sport competition and Swimming Carnival. Their term comes to an end with a Year 6 Celebration Evening – a night of dancing and celebrating the milestones they have achieved throughout their Junior School journey.
We wish them well for the start of their Senior School in 2023!
Hannah Caspen, Kelly Harker, Kerrie Moore and Judy Russell | Year 6 Teachers