Goal Setting for Future Success
With many of our students across the College completing assessment in the final weeks of this term, they will be considering their results and setting goals for their future learning outcomes, post Year 12 pathways and what they want to achieve as they progress into the next phase of their lives. In the newsletter last week, Head of Junior School Mr Edgar wrote of how setting goals can help us to meet deadlines and how a goal is simply a dream with a deadline. When developing our goals from our aspirations it is important to ensure we employ SMART goal setting.
SMART goal setting explores identifying goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
When setting a goal, be specific about what you want to accomplish.
- Who needs to be involved to achieve the goal?
- What are you trying to accomplish?
What information are you going to use to determine if you meet the goal? This makes a goal more tangible because it provides a way to measure progress.
- What will success look like?
- What will be your source of information to determine whether a goal has been achieved; what data do you need?
Consider how important this goal is to you and remember that this goal is meant to inspire motivation.
- What can you do to make it attainable?
- What skills do you need to accomplish this goal and if you do not have these skills, how can you attain them?
The goals you set should feel as though they are within reach and are relevant to your life’s purpose.
- Is the goal reachable within the given time frame?
- Are you able to commit to achieving this goal?
If a goal does not have a deadline, then most likely there will be no sense of urgency and as a result, less motivation to achieve the goal.
- What is the deadline to achieve this goal?
- Do you need to consider check points to ensure you are on track to achieve this goal?

As we move towards the end of Term 3, our Year 12 students will be looking ahead to their futures and settings goals for their final academic outcomes. Our Year 8 cohort will shortly be selecting their elective subjects for Year 9, Year 5 students may be setting goals for their Leadership Camp next week and Year 6 students are perhaps considering what they want to achieve as they progress into high school in 2022. For all of our students, when it comes to writing SMART goals, it is important to ask yourself, your teachers and your mentor, lot of questions. The answers will help to fine-tune your goals and as a result the strategy you will employ to achieve them, ensuring the goals are something that are actually attainable, motivating and inspirational.
Charlotte Brook
Head of Senior School