National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

Throughout this week A.B. Paterson College staff and students have stood united as an officially registered school, along with some 3000 plus schools across Australia. This celebrates 12 years of action today which is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence.
This National Day of Action is Australia’s key anti-bullying event for schools, and in 2022 schools are being called to build a kindness culture together. The theme for 2022 is Kindness Culture and we can promote inclusion, respect and community belonging for all students.
As a College we have dedicated time throughout this week to engage the students in activities around awareness of what bullying is, different types of bullying, practical strategies for students, social and emotional learning and how to develop respectful relationships.

Bullying is a word that is used with a lot of meanings. Making sure everyone in our College shares the same definition of bullying is essential. Sometimes things that are called bullying are not really bullying at all. The national definition of bullying for Australian schools is the first place to look. Including the definition of bullying in the relevant school policy helps to ensure shared understanding within the whole College community. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence are all interpersonal behaviours that can create or contribute to negative social situations and school environments. Ensuring a shared definition of bullying is important. A shared understanding of bullying is the starting point for effectively preventing and responding to bullying in schools. Preventing bullying involves everyone talking together openly, respectfully and regularly.
The big question is ‘What works to prevent bullying?’ This seems a simple question, although the answer is quite complicated. It depends on what you want to achieve… for which students… and in what context. There is no single anti-bullying approach. There is not one single approach which will meet the needs of every school and every situation. It is a matter of matching strategies and approaches to the students, context and needs. Bullying prevention is the ongoing responsibility of every member of the whole school community.
The students are central in the College’s efforts to continue to create a positive learning environment for everyone. Therefore, students participating and all staff leading structured activities throughout this week have highlighted the national importance of standing together.
Simon Edgar
Acting Head of Senior School