Wishing our College Community a Restful Holiday Break
As the first Semester of 2021 draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of our College community a wonderful break over the holidays.
This term has been packed full of exciting and engaging opportunities for our students - as you will see in the accompanying video - and the final week of the term was no different with both the Senior and Junior carnivals taking place. Students were full of House spirit with the Year 12s leading the way as superheroes of their own House. The Spirit and Community Club were busy dusting students with their house colours whilst the Houses competed against each other for the honour of the House Shield. Congratulations to Wright House for becoming the 2021 Athletics Carnival champions.
We have much to look forward to in Semester 2. Term 3 kicks off with a bang with the College Musical performances of Guys and Dolls taking place in Week 1. Good luck to all students and staff involved in this incredible production!
Earlier this term, our Year 9 students were fortunate to attend the Gold Coast Careers Festival to aid in the planning of their upcoming subject selection meetings taking place in Term 3. Each Year 9 student will work closely with their mentor to complete the Senior Education and Training Plan, choosing subjects for Year 10 that are best suited to their interests and chosen pathway. Year 9 students are not the only cohort looking to their future with QTAC applications opening for our Year 12s as well as the finishing touches being placed on scholarship applications for 2022 Tertiary Entrance.
As we look ahead to Term 3, I would like to remind our students that the high standards set in all areas of College life, form the solid foundation from which we are all able to build upon. This includes ensuring their uniform is clean, neat and tidy, shoes are shined and for girls, a check that their skirts are of the appropriate length to their calf. Haircuts need to be in line with College expectations, that is, short hair for boys ensuring the length does not touch the collar, eyebrows or ears (with no undercuts), and for girls, hair up and pinned back with College approved accessories where needed. Jewellery should only consist of a watch and/or silver or gold studs (no stones) for girls. The benefits of taking pride in your uniform and presentation are many and include improved confidence, self-esteem and an increased sense of community.
In looking forward to all the opportunities that lay ahead, it is important that we rest and recharge over the upcoming break; reflect on the achievements and challenges of the year so far and spend time with our families and friends. The holidays are an opportunity for us all to refresh and refocus ahead of what promises to be an exciting and inspiring second half of 2021 at A.B. Paterson College.
Charlotte Brook
Head of Senior School