Year 12 Camp Wrap Up

Last week, the Year 12 students embarked on their Leadership Camp.
Launching with their Jersey presentation, presented by Principal Ms Joanne Sheehy and Deputy Principal Mrs Charlotte Brook, students then challenged themselves around the RAW Challenge course in Numinbah Valley. With some initial hesitation, it was not long before students were throwing themselves into the mud and obstacles.
All students who went through the course challenged themselves in some capacity with many stories to share post event.
After lunch, we made our way to Tyalgum Ridge Retreat, a stunning 350 acre campsite nestled high in the northwest perimeter of the Tweed Valley, flanked by three spectacular World Heritage National Parks, and offering breathtaking views of Mt Warning, ancient rainforests, fast-flowing creeks, and waterfalls. After a camp outline and room allocation, dinner was served and some rest and respite on the cards after a tough day.
Students spent Friday bonding and applying their teamwork and problem-solving skills to a range of activities and challenges within them, including kayaking, high ropes, waterfall hike, archery, group initiative and spending time with the farm animals.
Friday night was an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company with a campfire and sing along before bed. With an action packed two days, on Saturday morning students engaged in a reflection and gratitude activity before heading home for a well-deserved rest!
Thank you to Year 12 students and their families for supporting such a special event. Thank you also to the following staff for giving up their time to make the experience an unforgettable one for the Year 12s: Mr Jacob Elms, Ms Melissa Presland, Ms Lana Milton, Ms Erin Keogh, Mr Jonathan Albertini, Mrs Deanne Elliott and Ms Deanna Anderson.