We Did It! Giving Day 2022

Thank you to our incredible A.B. Paterson College Community - words cannot express how much your support is appreciated and valued.
Thank for your your Time, Talent and Treasure. Thank you to our wonderful Parent volunteers who donated their time to help on Giving Day. Thank you to our Students and Staff whose talents shone so bright on our Giving Day stage and helped us to celebrate our College Spirit. Thank you to those who donated your Treasure - your generosity will bring relief and make a positive impact to those in our community who need it most right now.
Finally, our sincerest gratitude to our event sponsor, Computer Alliance, with your continued support, 100% of these funds will go directly to our Foundation to help our community.
We hope you can all hear us cheering with gratitude!!
Your gift. Their future.
Edward Klimowicz | Foundation Board Chairman
A celebratory Cake Smash to celebrate the success of Giving Day!
Thank you to all those who made it possible. A mighty achievement by our A.B. Community.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller ·