Introducing our 2025 College Leaders!

The College is incredibly proud to announce our College Leaders for 2025! After an extensive selection process, with more than 50 outstanding applicants, we have appointed a group of exceptional students to lead our college next year. The calibre of all applicants was truly remarkable, and the leadership panel faced the challenging task of narrowing down such an impressive field.

The leadership positions were announced at a cohort assembly this week, where our current captains, Ms Joanne Sheehy, our Principal, and Mrs Charlotte Brook our Deputy Principal shared the exciting news. Congratulations to each and every one of our new leaders—it is a testament to their character, dedication, and commitment to our college community.

We are thrilled to introduce our 2025 leaders!

College Captains:

  • Ellie Sinclair
  • Nevindu Dammannagoda

House Captains:

  • Riley Grimmer - Dennis House
  • Samantha Smithers - Dennis House
  • Jake Ward - Lawson House
  • Abigail Harrison - Lawson House
  • Preston Williams - Mackellar House
  • Finlay Proverbs - Mackellar House
  • Charlie Price-Wigg - Wright House
  • Agan Pillai - Wright House

College Leaders:

  • Amelia Wolff - Junior Sport Captain
  • Jessica Passmore - Senior Sport Captain
  • Matilda Grant - Community and Wellbeing
  • Phoebe Blanc - Extra Curricular Activities and Society
  • Sunny Liu - Performing Arts
  • Emelia Wedemeyer - Interact Secondary School
  • Miles Britton - Interact Junior School
  • James Oakes - Prep to Year 3
  • Coby Calver - Year 4 to 6
  • Sarah Gordon - Years 7 to 9

We know that this group of students will not only excel in their leadership roles but also continue to model the values and spirit of our college. Their leadership qualities have shone brightly through this process, and we are confident they will inspire and support their peers throughout the year ahead.

A heartfelt thank you to all of our applicants. The courage and enthusiasm shown by every student who applied was inspiring, and we are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated Year 12 cohort for 2025.

The formal introduction of our new leaders will take place at Speech Night on 13 November, where we will celebrate their appointments and acknowledge the significance of their roles.

Congratulations once again to all our leaders—we look forward to an exciting year ahead with you at the helm!

Liam Burke | Deputy Head of Senior School