Gold Coast Eisteddfod - Instrumental Achievements

The Arts Faculty at A.B. Paterson College is beaming with pride after another week of wonderful performance by our instrumental music students at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod! The dedication of our students, the support of their parents and friends, and the exceptional guidance of our ensemble directors, has led to some remarkable achievements.

The Senior Big Band's 2nd place and Platinum Award in a highly competitive A Grade competition, is a testament to their extraordinary musicianship and wonderful cohesiveness as a team. The Year 5 Band's 1st place and Gold award, along with the Intermediate Big Band's Gold award, further highlights the depth of talent within our junior and intermediate ensembles.

This year's innovative virtual sections have also proven to be a resounding success, fostering inclusivity and allowing participation from students who are away at camp or unable to attend the eisteddfod in person. The Clancy Strings' 2nd place and Platinum award, Intermediate Concert Band's 2nd place and Silver award, and Matilda Strings' 1st place and Gold award, are all incredible accomplishments in these virtual categories. Further congratulations must go to the Matilda Strings and their director Ms Cowdrey, who were also awarded the Pam Lowry Award for Outstanding Virtual Secondary School Band/Orchestra.

All of the wonderful instrumental music results over the past two weeks not only showcases the students' talents but also reflects the unwavering support and guidance of their dedicated teachers Mr Whitaker, Mr Montfroy, Ms Reynolds, and Ms Cowdrey. Their collective efforts have undoubtedly shaped an environment where musical excellence can thrive. 

To our instrumental music students, please keep up your daily practice and regular attendance at rehearsals so we can find even more opportunities to see you shine!

We look forward to sharing our choral and dance results next week.

Sharyn Walker-Joyce | Head of The Arts