Camps International Trip to Borneo

Travel Notes, Videos and Photographs below:

Our travellers have made it out of the jungle after their four-night expedition; wildlife, rain and river cruises filling their days.

They have certainly experienced a camp like no other. Slashing and trekking their way through the jungle, staying at different camps each night.

No luxury camp beds or swags for our intrepid travellers, instead they are now familiar with the way of the jungle... roughing it under tarps and in hammocks for the five days!

They have cruised along the Kinabatangan River, spotting crocodiles, monkeys and other river wildlife and have been busy potting seedlings and replanting trees into the rainforest. A night at the Sabah Tea Plantation providing a little respite from the jungle.

Cake for all as year 10 student, Savannah celebrated her 16th birthday on camp. A fabulous group celebration and sure to be a birthday to remember.

Our Borneo travellers are heading to Sepilok today to visit the Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre and the Sun bears before making their way back to Kota Kinabalu for a night as they start their trip home.

After nearly three weeks, our travellers are just days off enjoying a hot shower and sleep in their own beds!

Following their visit to Sepilok to see the orangutans and the sun bears they made their way by bus to Kota Kinabalu, seven hours back across the jungle of Sabah, all a little weary after their travels.

All were pleasantly surprised by their bed for the final night of tour in a city hostel! Proving a lot less rustic than and almost luxurious compared with the long houses and hammocks of their travels it was affectionately known as a "poshtel"! Clean white bedding and towels to enjoy before heading home.

Some nasi goreng (fried rice), a visit to the waterfront to enjoy one of the spectacular KK sunsets, before visiting the night market. They enjoyed walking through the fresh food stalls before joining in with music and dancing festivities with the locals.

A slight delay out of KK due to thunderstorms, but our travellers are back on Australian soil. A few hours to go and they will be back at the college.

A huge shoutout to our two fabulous staff members, Mr Andrew Sole and Ms Erin Keogh for leading this incredible trip!

We look forward to hearing all your tales of adventure once you've caught up on some well-earned rest!