Our Breathe Program

Do you know about our Breathe Program?

This program is currently open to Years 1-6, with Preps beginning in Term 2. The Breathe program covers topics related to mindfulness. The benefits of practising mindfulness in the early years are widely accepted and include both physical and mental gains such as; improved tolerance and empathy, increased resilience, better concentration and mental clarity and overall stress reduction.

The program includes sessions on such things as; breathing techniques, Asana Yoga, reconnecting, and regulating emotions. The program is run by a team of teachers from both the Junior School and Learning Enhancement Faculty.

If you have any questions regarding the program, or would like to register for the waiting list, please contact Will von Stieglitz via email wvonstieglitz@abpat.qld.edu.au.

Emma Legg | Breathe Program Coordinator