Health and Physical Education offers experiential learning, with a curriculum that is relevant, engaging, contemporary, physically active and developmentally appropriate.  

Integral to Health and Physical Education is the acquisition of movement skills, concepts, and strategies that enable students to participate in a range of physical activities confidently and competently. 

In Health and Physical Education classes, students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to support them to be resilient, to develop a strong sense of self, to build and maintain satisfying relationships, to make health-enhancing decisions in relation to their health and physical activity participation, and to develop health literacy competencies to enhance their own and others’ health and well-being.

Years 7 - 9

In Years 7 - 9, students study Health and Physical Education.  The curriculum expands on students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills to help them achieve successful outcomes in classroom, leisure, social, movement, and online situations.  Students learn how to take positive action to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, and well-being.  They demonstrate a range of help-seeking strategies that support them in accessing and evaluating health and physical activity information and services.

Students also develop specialised movement skills and understanding in a range of physical activity settings.  They analyse how body control and coordination influence movement composition and performance and learn to transfer movement skills and concepts to a variety of physical activities.  Students explore the role that games, sports, outdoor recreation, lifelong physical activities, and rhythmic and expressive movement activities play in shaping cultures and identities.  They reflect on and refine personal and social skills as they participate in a range of physical activities such as Touch Football, Gaelic Football, Netball, Oz Tag, Badminton, Volleyball, Athletics, aquatic sports through Royal Lifesaving, Indigenous games, Golf, Sports Aerobics, Basketball and Sofcrosse.  Students in Years 7-9 are provided with two 60-minute lessons per week. 

Years 10 - 12

Students select additional electives for these years of study from the subjects offered through the HPE faculty:

  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • Certificate II in Sport and Recreation and Certificate III in Fitness (combined)

Physical Education

In Physical Education, a philosophical and educative framework is provided to promote deep learning in three dimensions: about, through, and in movement contexts.  Across the course of study, students will engage in a range of physical activities to develop movement sequences and movement strategies.

Students optimise their engagement and performance in physical activity as they develop an understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness of the dimensions.  In becoming physically educated, students learn to see how the body and movement concepts and the scientific bases of biophysical, sociocultural and psychological concepts and principles are relevant to their engagement and performance in physical activities. 


Health is the investigation of the many facets of what can lead to a healthy life.  Looking at the relationship between the traditional medical treatment (pathogenesis) of health issues, as well as the ever-growing preventative (salutogenesis) health industry. Health is an inquiry-based subject.  Students are guided through an inquiry process that links their research and relevant theoretical concepts to address those issues and make justified recommendations for future action.  Health will improve students’ ability to research, evaluate and create texts; their ability to collate, analyse, and present data; their ability to incorporate Digital Literacy skills; and their ability to think critically and creatively.