Music Excellence Scholarship

A.B. Paterson College awards a number of scholarships each year in the area of Music Excellence. Scholarships at A.B. Paterson College are awarded following the publication of the results of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Scholarship Examination held in February each year.  A small number of full and part scholarships based on academic and music ability are available. Scholarships subsequently awarded commence in the following year.

Students in Years 6, 9 and 10 are eligible to apply for this scholarship, according to the terms and conditions of the specific scholarship. This scholarship is offered on a competitive basis and are based upon the results of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Scholarship Examination, the student’s application, and an interview with the Principal. Students applying for a Music Excellence Scholarship, must also participate in an audition on their instrument of choice. 

Occasionally, Music Bursaries are offered which provide free music lessons at the College. Please note that students who accept a Music Excellence Scholarship in Years 10 - 12 must study Music as an academic subject in these years.

These scholarships, awarded to successful students, are offered, in general, to the completion of their studies i.e. Year 7 - 12 and Year 10 - 12. Year 10 students are awarded this scholarship, in general, for both of their senior years of study, Years 11 and 12.

In 2025, A.B. Paterson College will offer ACER Scholarship testing in: Year 6 (Level 1), Year 9 (Level 2), Year 10 (Level 3) for 2026 scholarships in Years 7 - 12, Years 10 - 12 and Years 11 - 12 respectively. This is explained more fully in the table below.  Students wishing to apply for scholarships in Years 10 - 12, who are already A.B. Paterson College Scholarship holders for Years 7 - 9, are eligible as Year 9 students to apply/reapply for scholarship in Years 10 - 12. 

All students, regardless of their current school, are welcome to apply and sit for the Scholarship test. Applicants who are unsuccessful are informed by letter. 

Students, who have applied for enrolment at A.B. Paterson College in year levels eligible for scholarship consideration, will be informed of the forthcoming examination. 

All scholarships are reviewed each year based on the student's results. 

Scholarship applications for 2026 have now closed.

Students interested in applying for a Music Excellence Scholarship must undertake the following:

1. Complete the application form Music Excellence Scholarship Application and forward to Karen Milburn, Head of Admissions at;

2. Register and undertake the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Scholarship Examination, held at the College. Register at the ACER Scholarship Registration website:;  

3. Submit further documentation, if required;

4. Two performance pieces on their instrument of choice. The College will be in contact in regards to an audition time and date following the ACER scholarship exam.

Those students short-listed from the above requirements will be invited to an interview with the College Principal.

For further information, please contact Karen Milburn, Head of Admissions, 55947 947.

Students holding a student visa (subclass 500) are not eligible to register.